What is a Decision Matrix?

Ruben Buijs

Founder & Digital Consultant

Written on Aug 10, 2023

2 minutes

Product Management

A decision matrix, also known as a decision-making grid, is a powerful tool used in Saas product management to help make informed decisions by evaluating multiple criteria and options. It provides a structured approach to analyze alternatives and select the most suitable course of action.


Let's say a Saas product team is considering different features to prioritize for their next release. They can create a decision matrix to assess each feature based on criteria such as customer impact, development effort, revenue potential, and strategic alignment. By assigning weights to these criteria and scoring each feature accordingly, they can objectively compare and rank the options to make an informed decision.


The use of a decision matrix brings several benefits to Saas product management:

  1. Objectivity: It eliminates subjective biases and provides a systematic approach to decision-making.
  2. Clarity: It helps to clearly define and prioritize criteria, ensuring that all relevant factors are considered.
  3. Efficiency: It streamlines the decision-making process by organizing information and facilitating comparisons.
  4. Alignment: It enables teams to align on priorities and make decisions based on shared criteria and goals.
  5. Documentation: It serves as a record of the decision-making process, allowing for traceability and accountability.

How to Use it

To create a decision matrix:

  1. Define criteria: Identify the key factors that are relevant for your decision. These could include cost, customer impact, time to implement, resource availability, etc.
  2. Assign weights: Assign a weight to each criterion to reflect its relative importance. For example, if cost is more important than customer impact, give it a higher weight.
  3. Score options: Evaluate each option against each criterion and assign a score based on its performance. Use a scale, such as 1 to 5 or 1 to 10, to rate each option.
  4. Calculate totals: Multiply the scores by the weights for each option and calculate the total score for each. Summing the total scores will help identify the best option.
  5. Analyze and decide: Review the results and consider any trade-offs. Select the option with the highest total score as the most suitable choice.

Useful Tips

Here are some tips to make the most out of your decision matrix:

  • Collaborate: Involve stakeholders and relevant team members in defining criteria and assigning weights to ensure a broad perspective.
  • Keep it simple: Avoid overcomplicating the matrix with too many criteria or options. Focus on the most critical factors to maintain clarity.
  • Regularly update: As circumstances change or new information becomes available, revisit and update the decision matrix to ensure its relevance.
  • Consider uncertainties: Acknowledge and account for uncertainties by assigning ranges or probabilities to scores, especially when dealing with future outcomes.
  • Use visualization: Utilize visual aids such as color coding or graphs to enhance the understanding and interpretation of the decision matrix.


A decision matrix is a tool used to evaluate and prioritize options based on multiple criteria.
A decision matrix works by assigning weights to criteria and rating options based on those criteria. The ratings are then multiplied by the weights and summed up to determine the best option.
Using a decision matrix helps in making objective and informed decisions, considering multiple factors. It provides a structured approach for evaluating options and reduces bias.
A decision matrix is useful when faced with complex decisions involving multiple criteria. It helps in comparing options and selecting the most suitable one.
Common criteria used in a decision matrix include cost, time, quality, risk, customer satisfaction, and strategic alignment.
Yes, a decision matrix can be used for team decision-making. It provides a structured framework for evaluating options and facilitates collaboration among team members.
Yes, some limitations of using a decision matrix include the subjective assignment of weights and ratings, potential oversimplification of complex decisions, and the need for accurate and reliable data.
To create a decision matrix, you need to identify the criteria, assign weights to them, rate each option based on those criteria, multiply the ratings by the weights, and sum up the results to determine the best option.
Yes, alternatives to a decision matrix include decision trees, cost-benefit analysis, and the Pareto analysis. These tools can also aid in decision-making based on specific requirements.
Yes, there are various software tools available for creating decision matrices. Some popular options include Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, and specialized decision-making software.

Article by

Ruben Buijs

Ruben is the founder of ProductLift. I employ a decade of consulting experience from Ernst & Young to maximize clients' ROI on new Tech developments. I now help companies build better products

Table of contents

  1. Examples
  2. Importance
  3. How to Use it
  4. Useful Tips
  5. Related Terms

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Ruben Buijs

Founder & Digital Consultant