What is a Cohort Analysis?

Ruben Buijs

Founder & Digital Consultant

Written on Aug 10, 2023

3 minutes

Product Management

Cohort analysis is a powerful tool used in Saas product management to examine and understand the behavior and characteristics of a specific group of users, known as a cohort, over a defined period of time. By grouping users based on a common attribute or characteristic, such as the month they signed up for a product or their geographic location, cohort analysis allows product managers to gain valuable insights into user behavior, retention, and engagement.

Examples of Cohort Analysis

Let's say you are a product manager for a Saas company that offers a project management tool. You want to understand how user engagement differs between two cohorts: users who signed up in the first quarter of the year and users who signed up in the second quarter. By conducting a cohort analysis, you can compare the retention rates, average time spent on the platform, and feature adoption of these two cohorts to identify any trends or patterns.

Another example could be an e-commerce Saas platform. By analyzing cohorts based on the user's first purchase, the product manager can determine the average customer lifetime value, the time it takes for customers to make subsequent purchases, and the impact of marketing campaigns on customer retention.

Importance of Cohort Analysis

Cohort analysis plays a crucial role in Saas product management for several reasons. Firstly, it provides insights into user behavior over time, allowing product managers to identify trends, patterns, and potential areas for improvement. It helps in understanding if changes in the product or marketing strategies have a positive or negative impact on user retention and engagement.

Secondly, cohort analysis aids in customer segmentation and targeting. By analyzing cohorts based on different attributes, product managers can tailor their strategies and offerings to specific groups of users, ensuring a more personalized and effective approach.

Lastly, cohort analysis enables Saas companies to measure the success of their customer acquisition efforts. By tracking the performance of cohorts based on the acquisition channel or campaign, product managers can determine which channels are driving the most valuable users and optimize their marketing spend accordingly.

How to Use Cohort Analysis

To conduct a cohort analysis, follow these steps:

  1. Define the attribute or characteristic on which you want to base your cohorts. This could be the signup date, geographic location, pricing tier, or any other relevant factor.
  2. Determine the time frame for your analysis. It could be weekly, monthly, or any other interval that aligns with your goals and available data.
  3. Collect the necessary data for each cohort, such as user activity, retention rates, revenue generated, or any other metrics that are relevant to your analysis.
  4. Group the users into cohorts based on the defined attribute, ensuring each cohort has a similar start point.
  5. Calculate and compare the key metrics for each cohort, such as retention rates, engagement levels, or revenue growth.
  6. Analyze the results to identify trends, patterns, or areas for improvement. Look for any significant differences between cohorts and try to understand the factors that contribute to those differences.
  7. Use these insights to inform your product decisions, marketing strategies, and customer retention efforts.

Useful Tips for Cohort Analysis

Here are some tips to make the most out of your cohort analysis:

  • Regularly update and review your cohorts to track changes in user behavior over time.
  • Consider segmenting cohorts further based on additional attributes to gain more granular insights.
  • Use data visualization techniques, such as charts or graphs, to present your cohort analysis findings in a visually appealing and easily understandable format.
  • Combine cohort analysis with other analytical methods, such as A/B testing or funnel analysis, to get a comprehensive understanding of user behavior and product performance.
  • Continuously iterate and refine your cohort analysis approach as your product and user base evolve.


Cohort analysis is a method used to analyze and track the behavior of a specific group of users over a period of time.
Cohort analysis helps SaaS product managers understand how different groups of users engage with their product, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve user retention and satisfaction.
Some common uses of cohort analysis in SaaS product management include measuring user retention, analyzing user behavior patterns, evaluating the impact of product changes, and identifying opportunities for user segmentation.
Cohort analysis focuses on analyzing groups of users who share a similar characteristic or experience, while traditional analytics typically provide aggregate data without segmenting users into specific groups.
Some key metrics used in cohort analysis include retention rate, average revenue per user, user churn rate, customer lifetime value, and conversion rate.
Cohort analysis can help in optimizing user onboarding by identifying patterns and trends in user behavior during the onboarding process. Product managers can then make data-driven improvements to enhance the onboarding experience and increase user activation and retention.
Some challenges that can arise when conducting cohort analysis include data quality issues, selecting appropriate time intervals for cohort grouping, ensuring consistent tracking of user behavior, and interpreting the results accurately.
There are several tools and software available for cohort analysis, including Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Amplitude, and Kissmetrics. These tools provide features and functionalities specifically designed for cohort analysis.
The frequency of performing cohort analysis depends on the specific needs and goals of the SaaS product. It can be done on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis to track and measure different aspects of user behavior over time.
Some best practices for conducting cohort analysis include clearly defining the cohort groups, selecting relevant and meaningful metrics, ensuring data accuracy and consistency, regularly reviewing and updating the analysis, and comparing cohorts against each other and industry benchmarks.

Article by

Ruben Buijs

Ruben is the founder of ProductLift. I employ a decade of consulting experience from Ernst & Young to maximize clients' ROI on new Tech developments. I now help companies build better products

Table of contents

  1. Examples of Cohort Analysis
  2. Importance of Cohort Analysis
  3. How to Use Cohort Analysis
  4. Useful Tips for Cohort Analysis
  5. Related Terms

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Ruben Buijs

Founder & Digital Consultant